You’ve probably heard that another round of medical tyranny is planned, and you’ve likely seen the clips of billionaire psychopaths, such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, rubbing their hands with glee about the next ‘pandemic’.
Once again, the international tyrants (or ‘globalists’) are trying to see what they can get away with, but this time, they are facing a more resolute population, of newly stiffened backbone and iron will, determined not to comply, but…
I’m going to set it out for you now, distilled from my book, THE COVID PROTOCOLS: Upholding Your Rights in Authoritarian Times [since retitled, Know Your Medical Rights]. I’m doing this for myself too, in case I’m ever face-to-face with a would-be enforcer who is trying to act under illegitimate and unlawful authority. Your non-compliance will help me with my non-compliance, and vice-versa.
The first thing to grasp is that legislation is not law. An executive order is definitely not law, nor any other decree or regulation issued by politicians or bureaucrats. Even people who claim to be for medical freedom, including lawyers, make the mistake—and it’s a colossal mistake—of calling legislation ‘law’. I will rebuke anyone who says, for example, “Congress passed such and such a law.” No they didn’t. Congress is not capable of passing laws. Congress is a corporation, the U.S. government is a corporation. Same goes for any government or parliament in any country, and almost all of the courts and police for that matter.
God makes law, Man make legislation, and corporations make company policy. That’s what Acts and statutes of congress or parliament are, just corporate contracts. What’s more, those corporate contracts have no validity because only one party has written them, one party has read them, and one party has signed them. One party has negotiated with itself yet thinks to impose its contract on another party, us, and that’s a breach of Contract right there.
And what if they come up with ‘mandates’? ‘Mandate’ is the very word Freemasons use to issue orders to each other, and if you are a Freemason, you may as well stop reading now because your soul is already lost, and I cannot help you, even if I wanted to, which I don’t. But assuming you’re not a member of a secret society and have not sworn a secret oath…
If any would-be enforcer says to you, “You have to do this. This is the law,” or “This is a mandate,” you say, “Show me the document that says this, and show me where I signed it.” Without your signature, these corporate contracts are not worth the air they’re written on.
But there are other documents that are lawful, and if there’s one you need to carry around with you, it’s the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (UDBHR, 2005). It states (Article 6), “any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information.”
Memorize this, print it out, whatever you need to do.
No “preventive” intervention without consent. What is preventive, or claimed to be? Masks and jabs, along with quarantines, lockdowns, distancing, and all the other variants of medical incarceration.
No “diagnostic” intervention without consent. What is diagnostic, or claimed to be? Tests, whether PCR tests or any other type of test.
So if you are ever in a hospital—Heaven forbid—refuse the test for whatever disease or variant du jour they’re currently trying to weaponize. Then they can’t funnel you into the death protocols.
In brief, masks, injections, tests, pills, therapies, whatever, you have the absolute right and authority to refuse all of it.
They will try to assert, of course, that because of such and such an emergency, your rights are “suspended,” such as the right to travel, the right to assemble, even the right to speech.
They could not be more wrong.
As spelled out in another milestone of international statute, the Siracusa Principles…
“These rights [as set out in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights] are not derogable under any conditions even for the asserted purpose of preserving the life of the nation” (Para. 58).
So your Rights are not “derogable” during any emergency, whether that emergency is real or perceived or invented, meaning the Rights cannot be set aside, impaired, or suspended. They are non-negotiable, even if the life of the nation is at stake. A nation must fall before individual Rights fall, and if you don’t have individual Rights, you don’t have a nation anyway.
Next, MEDICAL CONFIDENTIALITY. If the authorities do not know your medical status, they cannot target you, discriminate against you, or persecute you on the basis of it.
The Hippocratic Oath includes the statement, “I will not divulge,” and the UDBHR steps in again with “The privacy of the persons concerned and the confidentiality of their personal information should be respected” (Article 9).
In the case of the States United, these are fortified by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
So any government, travel company, or employer, any restaurant, gym, venue, or other business who demands to know your medical status is breaking the law because they are demanding to conduct a search of your person without a warrant, without an oath, without an affirmation, without a description, and from the Fifth Amendment, without due process of law.
Also, if you uphold medical confidentiality, then you sweep away all the fakery around so-called exemptions. If you ask for an exemption, you are asking for another’s permission to be exempt, you are giving false legitimacy to their claim to dictate to you what you are allowed to do or not allowed to do, and enabling their presumption to play God in your life.
The word “No” is, always has been, and always will be exemption enough. It is all the exemption we have ever needed or will ever need.
So… Are you “vaccinated” or not? Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t. Either way, it’s none of their goddamn business and none of mine.
Now, if someone tells me to put on a mask, I’ll tell them, “I’m not required to.” That usually takes care of it right there and then. If they came back and ask, “Do you have an exemption?”, I’ll tell them, “That’s confidential medical information. I’m not permitted to tell you, and you’re not permitted to ask.”
Bear in mind that the mask serves the subjugation agenda in two ways: 1/ It’s a gateway to the needle, and 2/ It echoes a demonic-religion ritual.
Now, even if you’re not in the United States of America, go to your own constitution or to Magna Carta, which is the constitution at the root of all our constitutions.
Article 39: “No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or in any way destroyed, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.”
The Law of the Land, also known as Common Law, is not legislation nor so-called ‘Admiralty Law’. The Law of the Land is basically, “If there is no victim, there is no crime. If there is no crime, there is no fine.” And that’s why parking tickets and taxes are breaking the law.
Now, the tyrants will try to tell you that Magna Carta is no longer valid, but Magna Carta itself proves that they are liars.
Article 63: “… men in our kingdom shall have and keep all these liberties, rights, and concessions, well and peaceably in their fullness and entirety for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs, in all things and all places for ever.”
So Magna Carta is IN ITS ENTIRETY AND FOR EVER. What part of that do you not understand? The writers knew that tyrants would come along in the future and try to dilute it. No can do.
These documents are not museum pieces, they’re not confined to a glass case. They are living, breathing testaments that live and breathe in us, much as the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. And they were conceived by courageous people, not just for their time, but to protect future generations. If we fail to uphold them now, we dishonor their courage and their gift to us, we dishonor their memory.
One last item of international statute… The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court lists “persecution against any identifiable group” among ‘Crimes against humanity’ (Article 7). Let us not forget how viciously politicians persecuted the unvaccinated, such as France’s little Napoleon, Macron, who set out to “piss them off even more” and to “limit, as much as possible, their access to activities in social life.”
Similar measures and threats were issued by Trudeau, Ardern, Johnson, etc., along with a legion of power-hungry bureaucrats. Newspapers, too, routinely incited hatred against the unvaccinated, including calls for incarceration in concentration camps. These were all Crimes Against Humanity.
Final tips: if a would-be enforcer asks you if you understand, they’re actually asking you, “Do you stand under me?”
No, you do not understand. And no, you do not consent.
If they say, “Tell me your name, address, date of birth, etc.,” ask, “Am I required to give you that information?“ No, you’re not.
Ask, “Am I being detained?” If they say yes, it’s an unlawful arrest.
If they go any further, they’re the ones who are arrestable.
Much more I could say, and have said in the book.
Ultimately, there are but two laws: to love the Lord your God will all of your heart and all of your mind, and to love others as you love yourself. No-one wants to be medically compelled, so no-one has the right to enforce it on another. If they claim they do have that right, they are breaking the most fundamental of all laws, because they would not want it done to them. If they try it, I shall tell them, “Your downfall and destruction are decreed from Heaven, and now effected on Earth.”
This statement carries the power of Jesus’ curse against the fig tree, by which it was withered the very next day. For Jesus told us we have authority to overcome all the power of the enemy. And we don’t just have this spiritual authority, we have the authority of logic because, as the documentary Strawman encapsulates, “Government is a creation of Man, and a creation of Man can never be above Man.”
Jesus also told us, “The Kingdom of Heaven has been advancing forcefully, and forceful men lay hold of it” (Matthew 11:12). It is time for us to grasp this, and to live according to these principles.
God go with us and ahead of us in all these things, even as he went before Moses and the Israelites across the Red Sea.
Much Love,
Abdiel LeRoy
I am the author of some 25 books, including Know Your Medical Rights. To support my work (impossible on Substack where I have been demonetized), purchase goldbacks at with no extra cost to you. My brief video about this financial safe space is here.