No-one likes to see needles when it comes to their own medical treatment. Our skin being the first line of defense against external assault, we instinctively guard against its penetration, nor would we recklessly pierce the skin of another. According to one version of the Hippocratic Oath, doctors pledge not to “put a knife to” another’s flesh “if I don’t know how.”
This at least was our shared understanding until the COVID era. Time was when our bodies were regarded as sacred temples, made in the image of God, and to be respected as such but now, governments, health ministers, employers, and even travel companies consider our bodies and medical status to be their property, to be used and abused, probed and poked, exploited and exhausted at their decree, and then finally discarded as medical waste.
For statistical evidence of this, look no further than Pfizer’s biological product file, wrested from the FDA through sustained legal action. There, quite apart from the inherent dangers of Pfizer’s vile vials, we see a horrific litany of abuse in the very act of putting the poison in people’s arms in the first place.
Among the earliest documents released was Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis report which tallies adverse events voluntarily submitted to Pfizer by Feb. 28, 2021. It records 2,792 occurrences of medication error experienced by 2,056 COVID-jab recipients (meaning some experienced more than one event). Of these, seven died, though Pfizer adds in a footnote, “the relationship between the medication error and the death is weak” (p.26, fn.3). These numbers were gleaned from voluntary reports so that, as the document states, “the magnitude of underreporting is unknown” (p.5).
But the medication errors continued piling on in the following months and years, as documented in Pfizer’s third Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR #3) to the European Medicines Agency. In Section 9.2 (starting p.102), the report tallies 68,025 cases of medication error worldwide just in its six-month reporting period of Dec. 19, 2021 to June 18, 2022. Again, these numbers rely on unsolicited reports and are therefore understated.
The first footnote on the section’s opening page lists a broad range of mistakes made in administering the shots, including product administration, dispensing, distribution, dosage, expiration, exposure, labeling, preparation, prescription, selection, storage, substitution, temperature, and usage, along with “accidental poisoning.” Also listed are wrong device, wrong patient, wrong product, wrong strength, and wrong technique.
Among the most frequently reported events were: “Poor quality product administered (17837 events), Product administered to patient of inappropriate age (7952 events), Product administration error (6946 events),” and “Incorrect route of product administration (1889 events)” (p.104). There were also seven cases where the subject “intentionally refused to be vaccinated or was not able to receive the scheduled BNT162b2” (p.103), and an unspecified number of “subject non-compliance” events (p.111).
Pfizer’s PSUR #3 report acknowledged harm associated with 1,398 medication-error events happening to 1,326 individuals. Two fatalities were recorded. One was an 84-year-old male who “received an incorrect fourth dose of BNT162b2 (dose unspecified) and experienced a fatal event of intestinal haemorrhage.” The other was an 89-year-old female who received a second booster dose by mistake “and died due to cardiac failure and acute pulmonary oedema 2 days after the time of vaccination” (p.105).
“Serious” medication-error harms were acknowledged for 70 individuals (with 78 events), 43 of whom were in the U.K. They include 18 instances of vaccination at the wrong anatomical site and 10 incorrect routes of administration (p.106). Also tallied there are eight events of error in administration technique, including injury to nerve/blood vessel, moving the needle around in the arm, and injection with force.
Errors Involving Children
Dilution errors were also rampant during the PSUR #3 reporting period, with 412 instances of “dilution before use not performed,” among 1,095 instances of “incorrectly prepared vaccine.” One victim seriously harmed after failure to dilute was a female child of unspecified age. “The treating nurse administered the wrong dose of vaccine to the child,” the report stated. “She was supposed to dilute it, instead she gave a full vial of the COVID Vaccine (PTs: Product preparation error; Overdose). Following administration, the subject experienced dizziness, nausea, and increased heart rate. These events were considered serious as the subject requiring [sic] hospitalization and it was unknown if the subject recovered from these events. No further information was available.”
PSUR #3 also tallies 51 events where children were given adult doses (p.114). A few months after the reporting period, there was another incident in Southampton, England where, in October 2022, 36 children aged five to 11 were “given a higher-than-normal dose of the Covid vaccine by mistake.”
Pre-authorization jabs.
Yet another category of error against children was injecting them before the regulatory authorities had extended authorizations down to their age group. Again, the U.K. was especially egregious in this regard, accounting for 29 of the 34 children under 12 who received premature inoculation by Feb. 28, 2021, according to Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis report (p.13). The ages in this group ranged from 2 months to 9 years, with a median age of four. Of the 34 cases, 24 were categorized as “serious,” and 18 case outcomes were not resolved or unknown.
Yet underage injection was still frequent more than a year later. Pfizer’s medicine was not authorized for six-month-olds in the U.S. until June 18, 2022, one day before the close of PSUR #3’s reporting period. Until then, the minimum age was five years old, but PSUR #3 records 33 times when it was administered “to paediatric individual below 5 years of age” (p.112). The age range of those affected by medication error ranged from one month (p.105).
Fumbling Pharmacies
True to form, Pfizer concludes, at the close of its section on medication errors in PSUR #3, “The number and seriousness of the reported medication errors events do not indicate any trend and potential needs for any additional mitigation activity” (p.115). To the common-sense observer, however, they amount to a litany of bungling, incompetence, and indifference, the predictable result of rolling out a novel medical technology with ‘Warp-Speed’ abandon while cloaking the entire supply chain in legal immunity.
The prevalence of medication error also reflects the central role of pharmacies in dosing the public with Pfizer’s serum. As of July 21, 2023, according to CDC, more than 305 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine had been administered in the U.S. under its Federal Retail Pharmacy Program for COVID-19 Vaccination (FRPP). “Designed to use the strength and expertise of pharmacy partners to help rapidly and conveniently vaccinate the American public,” the program has 21 national pharmacy partners, including CVS, Kroger, Publix, Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Walmart, with 41,000 locations.
Also, as legal researcher Katherine Watt points out in a July 1, 2023 article, other dispensers of COVID jabs “include corporate health care ‘providers’ offices, paid off with escalating bounties for hitting percentage benchmarks in their patient populations, and pop-up tent or drive-through clinics located in parking lots, at businesses and at schools.”
Meanwhile, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department (HHS) has provided executive cover for all this by extending Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act legal-immunity protections to an ever expanding legion of skin-piercers. On Oct. 22, 2020, several weeks before Pfizer’s COVID jab was even rolled out to the public, HHS issued guidance that authorized pharmacy interns to administer childhood vaccines to patients aged three through 18 years, COVID-19 tests, and COVID-19 vaccines when made available. Furthermore, HHS decreed, “This authorization preempts any state and local law that prohibits or effectively prohibits those who satisfy these requirements from administering COVID-19 or routine childhood vaccines.” In short, HHS was playing king over states’ autonomy.
By the time of HHS’ Eleventh Amendment to its PREP-Act Declaration for ‘countermeasures’ against COVID, issued May 12, 2023, liability protections for COVID injections now embraced midwives, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, physician assistants, dentists, podiatrists, optometrists, and veterinarians. Individuals in these groups would still be covered for up to five years after their licenses had lapsed.
“They wanted to make it as easy as possible,” Watt observed in an August 2023 interview with Dr. Jane Ruby, “to make totally unqualified, unsupervised, untrained people able to do this work, and they do. They don’t have any of the training that an actual doctor or nurse would have, to look for adverse effects or ask the person about other pre-existing conditions or other medications or anything. They have been told, ‘You don’t have to care about any of that. Get it in the arm, get them out within 15 minutes, and whatever happens after that, you don’t need to know about, you don’t need to worry about.’ ”
From start to finish, the pharmaceutical-hospital-emergency-industrial complex, to use the phrase coined by James Roguski, has carved a trail of butchery through the flesh of Man. It has swept aside all inconvenient friction to its twin agendas of profit and genocide, so that even those who sacrificed their lives on medicine’s altar of Satanic glory also had to endure its clumsy knives.
Abdiel LeRoy / A. LeRoy is the author of some 25 books, including THE COVID PROTOCOLS: Upholding Your Rights in Authoritarian Times.