“We have had a habit in this country,” said former Pfizer executive, Dr. Mike Yeadon, “of not ever subjecting pregnant women to experimental medical therapies or even soft cheeses. So why did the College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology lie, and advise pregnant women to go and get jabbed?... This is a murderous attack on Humanity.”
Yeadon’s words, spoken at a Truth-Be-Told rally in London, England on May 13, 2023, express the bewilderment of millions that, far from protecting our most precious endowment of mother and child, the medical-industrial complex set about systematically destroying it.
As of November 2023, the NHS still carried on its website a Dec. 4, 2021 press release urging pregnant women “to get jabbed.” It quotes Prof. Asma Khalil, a spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, saying, “We are very concerned about the number of pregnant women who haven’t been vaccinated against COVID-19.”
Khalil claimed unvaccinated pregnant women were more likely, not less likely, to have a pre-term birth or stillbirth, and concluded, “Our message is clear, COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy is safe, it is not linked to an increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirth, and it’s the best way of protecting you and your baby from the virus. We are recommending all pregnant women have their COVID-19 vaccines, including their third dose booster vaccine when they are offered it.”
She was echoed in the press release by then U.K. Vaccines Minister, Maggie Throup: “The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for pregnant women and I urge everyone to get their vaccines as soon as they can to secure this significant protection.”
By the time of that Dec. 4, 2021 press release, however, U.K. authorities had known for at least nine months that Pfizer’s jab was obliterating pregnancies. We know this because the U.K. was the second-largest source of pregnancy data gathered in Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis document that tallied worldwide adverse events from the shot in the opening months of its debut.[1]
Pfizer recorded 270 pregnancy cases in this report, representing 271 potential babies because one involved twins. It did not know the outcome for 238 of these pregnancies, and a further five pregnancies were “outcome pending.”
That meant Pfizer knew the outcomes for only 27 pregnancies (270 minus 238 minus 5), representing 28 potential babies, including the one set of twins. This is where the tragedy hits hard, because 26 of those pregnancies experienced “spontaneous abortion,” and one resulted in “premature birth with neonatal death,” ending the lives of 27 potential babies. There was but one survivor, listed as “normal outcome,” among the 28 potential babies (p.12).[ii]
The report’s appendix also contains another warning for pregnant women because, among 1,294 ‘adverse events of special interest’ (AESI)—meaning pre‑specified medically-significant events that could be caused by a vaccine product—it lists ‘Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy,’ where amniotic fluid enters the maternal blood circulation.
Even as Pfizer was digesting the overwhelming evidence of harms caused by its product, pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole warned on Mar. 4, 2021 that COVID injections could trigger an autoimmune attack on the placenta, and he told of a friend’s wife who, when seven months pregnant, miscarried just after getting her shot. We now also know, because the FDA has been legally compelled to release Pfizer’s biological product file, that Pfizer enclosed its Cumulative Analysis report with a May 6, 2021 letter it sent to the FDA.
And what of the jab’s impact on male fertility? In its Participant information leaflet and declaration of consent form (p.130), dated July 2020, Pfizer told clinical-trial participants, “Men may not donate sperm until 60 days after the last vaccination.”
What were men to infer from this? That they were now walking bioweapons, toxic to any sexual partner and to any offspring that resulted? Did anyone mention this 60‑day stipulation to men receiving the jab after the trials were over? Or did anyone tell them, as chronicled in 2.5 Clinical Overview, that male clinical-trial participants before them had been afflicted with ‘penile neoplasm’ (a malignant lesion), ‘penile squamous cell carcinoma’, and ‘penile infection’ after getting a Pfizer shot? Or that one trial participant, as observed in another untitled document, experienced “Ejaculation disorder/ brownish ejaculation” post-injection (p.3,350)?
And what about the aforementioned list of AESIs? Was any man told that they included ‘Anti-sperm antibody positive’, meaning his immune system might kill his own sperm? Or ‘Penile vein thrombosis’, meaning a blood clot in his penis? Or ‘Testicular autoimmunity’?
We also learn from Pfizer’s Tissue Distribution Study, conducted on rats and signed Nov. 5, 2020, that the dangerous jab components called ‘lipid nanoparticles’ (LNP) rapidly accumulate in the testes post-injection. The concentration increased 10-fold between 15 minutes after the jab and 48 hours (p.24), at which point the data gathering was stopped.
This study preceded by more than a month the FDA’s own authorization to Pfizer in the U.S., granted on Dec. 11, 2020. Yet the medical-science community knew two years earlier that nanoparticles (NP) damage male reproductivity. A 2018 study titled Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles on the reproductive system noted, “NPs can cross biological barriers, including the barriers that protect reproductive tissue. Several studies have demonstrated that various NPs can pass through the blood–testis barrier (BTB) and exert their toxic actions on spermatogenesis.”
The article also warns that NP accumulation “damages organs (testis, epididymis, ovary, and uterus) by destroying Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and germ cells, causing reproductive organ dysfunction that adversely affects sperm quality, quantity, morphology, and motility or reduces the number of mature oocytes.” Sertoli cells contribute to the production of sperm, Leydig cells produce testosterone and are involved in male body development, and germ cells are precursors of sperm cells.
Thus, as author Naomi Wolf observed in a Sept. 18, 2022 article, “beyond just suppressing sperm count and sperm motility, the injections damage baby boys’ and small boys’ and teenage boys’ ability to grow up normally in terms of the development of masculinity itself.”
The COVID shots have even thwarted sexual arousal and desire, according to Wolf. In a Sept. 27, 2022 interview with The Glazov Gang, she said a “metaphysical evil” was at work, that we were in “a Biblical moment” and witnessing a depopulation agenda to “poison intimacy, poison desire, poison the joy that men and women have together, make it impossible to conceive, make people barren, make it impossible for a mother to breastfeed her child, which is the most sacred and beautiful thing that is part of being female, bring babies into the world with no nurture from the mother’s body.”
Yet, even as Pfizer assaulted human fertility, officials clung to their denials, not just in the U.K. but glaringly so in the U.S. For example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) issued a news release on Jan. 20, 2022 titled COVID-19 vaccination does not reduce chances of conception, study suggests. And the FDA’s Dr. Peter Marks, ever the relentless cheerleader for Big Pharma, stated in a May 19, 2022 video, “Pregnant or breastfeeding women can certainly receive a COVID‑19 vaccine… There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID‑19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in either women or men.”
Let us recall, then, Orwell’s warning shortly before his death. "In our world,” he said, “there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party. But always, there will be the intoxication of power.”
It is a terrifying outcome, yet one that Big Pharma has brutally served. Through its harms to reproductive capacity alone, Pfizer has sewn death for generations to come.
Abdiel LeRoy / A. LeRoy is the author of some 25 books, including THE COVID PROTOCOLS: Upholding Your Rights in Authoritarian Times.
[1] In most categories, the U.K. was the largest contributor of adverse-events data in Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis document. This may reflect the U.K.’s earlier date of temporary authorisation for Pfizer’s COVID injection, on Dec. 1, 2020, compared with its emergency-use authorization of Dec. 11, 2020 in the U.S.
[2] This calculation is derived from the following text in Pfizer’s document: “Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23), outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).”